
MusicAIRE, appel à projets européen n°2 : posez une candidature jusqu’au 26 octobre

Warning, contenu en anglais !

MusicAIRE est un projet soutenu par l’Union européenne ayant pour but de fournir des outils au secteur et de contribuer à son rétablissement sous le signe de l’écologie, du numérique et de la résilience.

La structure lance ainsi son second appel à projets européens relatif à ces thématiques — à déposer en anglais, puisqu’international. En voici les détails.


MusicAIRE – An Innovative Recovery for Europe

Now open: MusicAIRE call for proposals

MusicAIRE launches its second call for proposals for the recovery of the music sector. It offers grants for music projects focusing on the green, digital or just and resilient recovery of the music sector. The music sector is one of the sectors hit the hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and will be one of the last sectors to come out of it. The crisis has highlighted and accelerated many challenges which the sector had already been facing. At the same time, it has also highlighted the importance of music for individuals and society as a whole, it has demonstrated its power to unite and to connect people through music.

The EU funding provided through MusicAIRE aims to respond to these urgent needs of the music ecosystem.

Make sure to carefully read the call for proposals and FAQs before applying!

Deadline: 26 October 2022, 13:00 CET


> Plus d’infos 

> Candidatez !